Google’s Muscle-Based Defacto Compulsory License: What About We Don’t Like You Don’t They Understand?

Music Technology Policy

The wisest among you learn to read your portents well
You know there’s no need to hurry, it’s all downhill to hell…

Don’t Stand Still, written by The Original Snakeboy, performed by Guy Forsyth on Unrepentant Schizophrenic Americana.

GMR Formed Out of Pandora Lawsuits Against Songwriters Affiliated with ASCAP and BMI

Yes, the portents are in the water–there will eventually be a showdown with Google (and probably Pandora, too) over the songs they routinely infringe in the name of “permissionless innovation.”  Whether it is today or tomorrow, that day is coming, and by the looks of it the first collision will be between Google’s bully boys and songwriters represented by Global Music Rights, the new PRO backed by Irving Azoff.

The why of all of this is pretty simple:  The unelected ASCAP and BMI rate court judges have decided that the government’s consent decree says that the only way…

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