Liar Liar Streams on Fire #2: Ad Supported Spotify pays .0009 in US per Spin.

We’ve got data.  Lots of data.  We have two different consumption surveys of college students and one of the broader population.  We’ve also got the details of 2014 digital revenues from a moderately sized independent catalogue.

We’re gonna show you our data all this week.

This is not pie in the sky projections from the VPs of “digital” at your record label or distributor.   This is what is really happening.  You know you can’t trust these digital executives, right? They are objectively and demonstrably wrong.  We suspect they are now  just making shit up to try to cover their asses (or looking for jobs at the streaming services.)  Who will be the first executive to lose their job over the streaming fiasco?

Here’s todays installment:

According to our detailed examination of a moderately sized labels digital revenue, it appears that free Spotify pays less than a tenth of a penny per stream.  $0.000966 to be exact.  This is all revenue to rights holders!  The paid service pays 7.5 times as much (But as we detailed yesterday a survey of college students shows revenue from paid subscriptions appears to be falling).

See our detailed post about this from November. 





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