Will @NPR still #IRESPECTMUSIC and @allsongs After Joining Dark Side Coalition?

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Gee this wasn’t coordinated at all. Two new Astroturf (squared) organizations in two days (with possibly the same web designer?)  The day after the announcement of the the new ReCreateCoalition, an AstroTurf organization composed almost exclusively of Google connected Astroturf organizations,   some of the same companies plus The National Association of Broadcasters, I Heart Media (Clear Channel)  Pandora and NPR have announced the creation of the MIC-Coalition in order to lobby AGAINST fair digital royalties to artists; AGAINST terrestrial royalty for performers,  and to keep songwriters under the oppressive and unconstitutional DOJ consent decrees.  Read the website it’s unbelievable.   Why the hell did NPR join?

Does NPR really want to have this fight with artists? Cause we are ready.

NPR: Do you think it’s fair that the US is one of the only industrialized nations to not pay performers for terrestrial broadcast?

NPR: Do you think it’s fair that ASCAP songwriters are kept under the 1941 anti-monopoly  DOJ consent decree which forces them to give special treatment to companies that look very much like monopolies  (YouTube/Google, Pandora, NAB etc)?

NPR: You realize that you get an artificially low rate from songwriters and performers right?  Largely because there is/was goodwill between us.  Do you want us to lobby the CRB to make you pay the same as everyone else? Also aren’t there still a bunch of public broadcasting haters in congress?

Answer us. We’re waiting.

3 thoughts on “Will @NPR still #IRESPECTMUSIC and @allsongs After Joining Dark Side Coalition?

  1. From the Corporation for Public Broadcasting web site:
    “Since 1968, CPB (a private, not-for-profit corporation) has been the steward of the federal government’s investment in public broadcasting and the largest single source of funding for public radio, television, and related online and mobile services. *For approximately $1.35 per American per year, CPB provides essential operational support for the nearly 1,400 locally-owned and operated public television and radio stations, which reach virtually every household in the country.”

    From the MIC-coalition:
    “MIC (pronounced “mike”, as in “microphone”) Coalition is composed of companies, associations, consumer groups, venue owners and artist advocates who are committed to a rational, sustainable and transparent system that will drive the future of music and ensure that consumers and consumer-serving businesses, such as retailers, restaurants and hotels have continued access to play music at affordable prices.”

    NPR isn’t a public corporation – it’s a federal government confection. Their lunch is paid for; partially by you and me via CPB!*

    What the hell is their skin in this game? As a taxpayer I’m offended by them taking ANY stand in advocacy for what should be an open market battle!! Oh that’s right! I forgot, the same federal government that feeds CPB and NPR from the taxpayer trough has the DOJ
    set “open-market” rates!!!

    A particularly idiotic move by the silly folks at NPR who use taxpayer-subsidized programs in order to lobby for additional tax funds by airing promos urging its members and listeners to contact Congress regarding NPR funding.

    Nice little circle**** goin’ there!

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